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Fowler-TalkeThe Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University hosted Dr. Frank E. Talke, an endowed chair professor at the Center for Memory and Recording Research at the University of California, San Diego, for its 2016 Fowler Distinguished Lecture Series. Talke adds to the list of nationally recognized engineers and scientists who have been invited to lecture as part of the graduate program seminar class.

During his lecture “Mechanics and Materials Problems in Medical Device Technology and Information Storage,” Talke described materials issues and manufacturing techniques and presented an overview of current and future problems in the mechanics and materials area of information storage on hard disks.

Talke is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He is the recipient of the First Annual Seagate Tribology Award, the Mayo de Hersey award, the STLE International Award and the ASME medal. Talke is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a member of Acatech, the Academy of Technikwissenschaften, Germany.

The Fowler Distinguished Lecture series was endowed by Donald Fowler ’66 and Dr. Joe Fowler ’68 in 1999. Donald Fowler is the owner of Fowler Energy Company, which provides energy cost reduction services to users of electricity, natural gas and wastewater. Joe Fowler is president and co-founder of Stress Engineering Services Inc., an engineering consulting firm that provides design, analysis and testing services to a variety of industries.