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Dr. ZouDr. Na Zou, instructional assistant professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University, will be featured in the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineer’s (IISE) Industrial and Systems Engineer magazine. Her article is titled “Modeling and Change Detection of Dynamic Network Data by a Network State Space Model.”

Zou’s work focuses on the difficulty of detecting change in dynamic networks that naturally evolve over time. She worked closely with the email communication networks of Enron Corporation, an energy trading company ranked as the seventh largest in the United States.

“The experiment achieved a high level of accuracy in modeling the natural evolution of networks during an eight-month in-control time period from September 2000 to April 2001,” Zou said. “It successfully detected changes in two new months with one change due to the launch of a new initiative in May 2001 and another change due to disclosure of a scandal in October 2001.”

Zou will be featured in the December issue of IISE Industrial and Systems Engineer and her paper will be published in the January 2017 issue of IIE Transactions.

“There are a number of future research directions that can be further pursued from the current methodology.” Zou said. “I will continue to explore a broader spectrum of networks and also to integrate network and non-network data.”