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Image of Tiffani WilliamsDr. Tiffani Williams, associate professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Texas A&M University, was awarded the 2016 Association of Former Students (AFS) Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching — College Level. 

Since 1982, the AFS teaching award has been presented to faculty members who are renowned for their expertise and exemplary dedication to the education of their students.

Williams has been a faculty member in computer science at Texas A&M since 2005. In 2011, she was awarded the Denise Denton Emerging Leader Award and Graduate Faculty Teaching Excellence Award; in 2012, she was named a PopTech Science Fellow.

Her research interests include computational biology, phylogenetic tree inference, high-performance computing, experimental performance studies of algorithms and reproducible research.

The AFS teaching award will be formally presented to all recipients in spring 2017 at the annual college awards banquet.