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DehartMark DeHart, a graduate of the Department of Nuclear Energy at Texas A&M University, has been recognized as an American Nuclear Society (ANS) Fellow. DeHart is the deputy director for reactor physics and modeling simulation at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and serves in the Reactor Physics Analysis and Design Department of INL.

DeHart was recognized during the national ANS conference in June. The designation of fellow is the highest honor ANS is able to bestow upon its members and acknowledges the recipients for qualities that include outstanding leadership, professional accomplishment and service to the profession of nuclear engineering.

DeHart also serves as the principal investigator and research director for development and validation of modeling and simulation capability for the Transient Reactor Rest Facility (TREAT), a program under the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation Program (NEAMS).

DeHart came to Texas A&M in 1981 and received his Bachelor of Science and his Master of Science in nuclear engineering, respectively, before receiving his doctoral degree in nuclear engineering in 1989. He was active in Alpha Nu Sigma, Tau Beta Pi and the Texas A&M ANS chapter as a student.

After graduating he began his professional career at the Westinghouse Savannah River Company as a senior engineer before becoming a member of the senior research and development staff at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) where he was responsible for the development, application and teaching of lattice physics, neutron transport and fuel depletion and characterization methods, among other responsibilities. DeHart later began his career at INL in 2010 and has crafted an established career in nuclear industry that spans more than 27 years.