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Teri -reedDr. Teri Reed and Dr. P.K. Imbrie are co-authors of an article that was published in the September issue of PRISM, a publication of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). The article is also featured on the ASEE website.

P -imbrieThe article titled “The Ultimate Diversity App” focuses on how to change the face of engineering by changing admissions policies.

Institutional data at a Midwestern public university indicated that from 2006 through 2010 the number of women engineering applicants increased by 46 percent, correlating with increased recruiting efforts.

However, over that same time period the number of women admitted into engineering increased by only 24 percent, a mismatch that was unexpected and raised questions about equity in the admissions process.

According to the article, “if admissions policies have a significant role in the opportunity to become an engineer, changing such policies may play a role in increasing the representation of groups such as women and minorities in engineering.”

Reed is the assistant vice chancellor for academic affairs, the assistant agency director of workforce development for the Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), and an associate professor in the Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering.

Imbrie is the director of undergraduate academic programs in the Engineering Academic & Student Affairs office and an associate professor in the Dwight Look College of Engineering.

The other authors of the article include Beth M. Holloway, assistant dean for undergraduate education and director of the Women in Engineering program at Purdue University and Ken Reid, associate professor of engineering education at Virginia Tech.