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Bailey, BrennanBrennan Bailey, a former graduate student in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M University, has been named recipient of the Acta Student Award for her contribution to the manuscript, "Continuous gradient scaffolds for rapid screening of cell-material interactions and interfacial tissue regeneration."

As part of the award, which is presented by the Acta journal “Acta Biomaterialia,” Bailey will receive a $2,000 cash prize. She is scheduled to receive the award this October at the annual Materials Science and Technology meeting in Pittsburgh.

Bailey, who recently completed her dissertation under Associate Professor Melissa Grunlan, is a postdoctoral researcher and Marie Curie Fellow at the Laboratory of Polymer and Composite Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. While at Texas A&M, her research was focused on developing tissue engineering scaffolds to heal osteochondral tissue defects in knees and in other joints.

“Dr. Bailey’s efforts importantly form the foundation of an alternative treatment for total joint replacement,” Grunlan said. 

Several factors are considered in the evaluation of each nominee: the quality of paper, or papers, for which he or she was nominated, recommendation letters, and leadership potential. The awardees were selected from papers published in 2013 in Acta Journals.