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Pam and David Beers ’66 recently established an endowment through the Texas A&M Foundation to benefit the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University.

The Pamela B. and David E. Beers ’66 Mechanical Engineering Scholarship will be granted to an undergraduate student who demonstrates exceptional academic performance, extracurricular involvement and financial need. The desire to endow a scholarship stems from David Beers’ pride in the education he received when he was a graduate student in the mechanical engineering department.

“The mechanical engineering department of Texas A&M made it possible for me to have a rich graduate experience,” said David Beers. “With much gratitude for what the university did for me, Pam and I wanted to provide an endowed scholarship to help carry on the Texas A&M tradition of financially helping students go through college.”

The ability to offer scholarship opportunities assists the Department of Mechanical Engineering in the recruiting and retention of highly qualified undergraduate students. The Beers’ gift reinforces this goal as their contribution increases the available endowment funds designated for undergraduates.

“The Department of Mechanical Engineering has always valued scholarship endowments as we recognize the financial burden for students wishing to seek higher education,” said Andreas Polycarpou, mechanical engineering department head. “We are able to use the Beers’ endowment, and others like it, to both entice and retain top-notch students.”

The Beers live in Charlotte, N.C. David Beers received his master’s degree from Texas A&M in 1966 and received his doctorate degree from Texas A&M soon thereafter.