- Professor Emeritus, Mechanical Engineering
- Email: tschobeiri@tamu.edu

Educational Background
- Dr.-Ing., Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany – 1978
- Dipl.-Ing., Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany – 1970
- Vor-Diplom Technische Universität Technical University Darmstadt, Germany – 1966
Research Interests
As the former R&D Chief in Gas Turbine Division of Brown Boveri & Cie Turbomsvhinery, Baden Switzerland, Dr. Schobeiri’ research interest has been dedicated to substantially increasing the thermal efficiency of gas turbines. In conjunction with the rotating components of gas turbines, the main research activities of Schobeiri have been focused on resolving the issues originating from the impact of periodic unsteady inlet flow condition on aerodynamics, heat transfer, performance and nonlinear dynamic engine simulation. To each of the above research subjects, Schobeiri has made numerous original contributions, among others: he is the inventor of the Ultra High Efficiency Gas Turbine with Stator Internal Combustion (UHEGT) technology for power generation and aircraft propulsion. Schobeiri introduced a new technology for improving the efficiency of turbine blades using a new Endwall Contouring method based on the Continuous Diffusion. He introduced the Universal Intermittency Function to capture the laminar-turbulent transition of boundary layer along turbine blades. Schobeiri is the author of the nonlinear dynamic engine simulation code GETRAN. He is the author of six textbooks that cover the major areas of Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Turbomachinery Flow Physics and Dynamic Performance,Gas Turbine Design and Continuum Mechanics.
Awards & Honors
- 2016 ASME, Gas Turbine Division, Best Paper Award
- 2013 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship Award
- 2013 Visiting Professorship award, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
- 2010 Recipient of Oscar Wyatt Professorship
- 2009 TEES Senior Research Fellow
- 2008 ISROMAC Recognition Award for Pioneering Contributions to Turbomachinery Aero-Thermal design.
- 2006 Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship Award
- 2006 Visiting Professorship award, Technical University Darmstadt, Germany
- 2005 ASME Fellow
- 2004 ASME, Moody Award, Fluid Engineering Division Best Paper of the Year
- 2004 TEES Research Fellow Award
- 2001-2002 Visiting Professor Technical Universities Darmstadt, Dresden, Munich, Germany
- 2001 Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize
- 2001 Texas A&M Faculty Fellow
- 1998 TEES Fellow
- 1998 DOE- Award for Innovative Turbine Design for Open Cycle Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion. The turbine installed in Hawaii, Open Cycle OTEC Facility, DOE, Golden Colorado
- 1993 Recognition award from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute for Innovative Engine Simulation Technology
- 1990-1993 NASA Lewis Research Center Fellowship award : Three consecutive Research Center Fellowships
Selected Publications
- Schobeiri M.T., Ghoreyshi, M., 2015, The Ultra High Efficiency Gas Turbine Engine With Stator Internal Combustion, ASME Transactions Journal of Gas Turbine and Power 2015; 138(2):021506-021506-14, doi: 10.1115/1.4031273. This paper has received the ASME Gas Turbine Division best paper award of ASME Gas Turbine Division.
- Schobeiri, M.T.Read, K. Lewalle, J., 2003, Effect of Unsteady Wake Passing Frequency on Boundary Layer Transition, Experimental Investigation and Wavelet Analysis,ASME Transactions, Journal of Fluids Engineering, Vol. 125, pp 251-266, a combined two-part paper, this paper received the ASME-2004 FED-Best Paper Award.
- Schobeiri, M.T., Kun, L., 2013, Endwall Contouring Using Continuous Diffusion, a Breakthrough Method and its Application to a Three-stage High Pressure Turbine. ASME-Transactions Journal of Turbomachinery, 2013; 136(1):011006-011006-10, TURBO-12-1081 doi: 10.1115/1.4023970.
- Schobeiri, M.T. and Abdelfattah, S., 2013 On the Reliability of RANS and URANS Numerical Results for HP_Turbine Simulations: A Benchmark Experimental and Numerical Study on Performance and Interstage Flow Behavior of High Pressure Turbines at Design and Off-Design Conditions Using Two Different Turbine Designs, A Combined (Experimental and Numerical Study published in the ASME, Transaction, Journal of Turbomchinery, Vol. 135, No. 6. 061012_1 061012_12.
- Schobeiri, M.T., Özturk, B., Kegali, M, Benzing, D., 2008, On the Physics of Heat Transfer and Aerodynamic Behavior of Separated Flow along a Highly Loaded Low Pressure Turbine Blade under Periodic Unsteady Wake Flow and Varying of Turbulence Intensity, ASME Transactions, Journal of Heat Transfer , May 2008, Vol. 130/ 051703-1 to 051703-120 (20 pages) .