- Professor, Aerospace Engineering and Materials Science & Engineering
- General Dynamics Professor in Aerospace Engineering
- Director, Center for Intelligent Materials and Structures (CiMMS)
- Phone: 979-845-1602
- Email: benzerga@tamu.edu
- Office: HRBB 520B
- Website: CMS3 Website

Educational Background
- Ph.D., Material Science & Engineering, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France - 2000
- M.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France - 1995
- Ingénieur Diplômé, B.Sc., Aerospace Engineering, Sup'Aero, Toulouse, France - 1995
- Classes Preparatoires, Physics, Lycee Massena, Nice, France - 1989-1992
Research Interests
- Mechanics of Materials
- High-Performance Computing
- Anisotropy in Plasticity and Fracture
- Ductile Fracture
- Discrete Dislocation Plasticity and Dislocation Mechanics
- Macromolecular Mechanics of Polymers and Their Composites
Awards & Honors
- Faculty Fellow, Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) – 2014
- Select Young Faculty Award, Texas Engineering Experiment Station – 2009
- CAREER Award Recipient, National Science Foundation – 2008
- Highest Honors for Ph.D. Dissertation Work, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France – 2000
Selected Publications
- Morin, L. Leblond, J.-B., and Benzerga, A. A. (2014), "Coalescence of voids by internal necking: theoretical estimates and numerical results," Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, In Review
- Poulain, X., Benzerga, A. A., and Goldberg, R. K. (2013), "Finite-strain elasto-viscoplastic behavior of an epoxy resin: Experiments and modeling in the glassy regime," International Journal of Plasticity, Revised
- Kondori, B., and Benzerga, A. A. (2014), "Effect of Stress Triaxiality on the Flow and Fracture of Mg Alloy AZ31," Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A., In Press
- Kondori, B., and Benzerga, A. A. (2014), "Fracture strains, damage mechanisms and anisotropy in a magnesium alloy across a range of stress triaxialities," Experimental Mechanics, 54, 493-499
- Benzerga, A. A. and Leblond, J.-B. (2014), "Effective Yield Criterion Accounting for Microvoid Coalescence," Journal of Applied Mechanics, 81, 031009
- Poulain, X., Kohlman, L. W., Binienda, W., Roberts, G. D., Goldberg, R. K., and Benzerga, A. A. (2013) "Determination of the intrinsic behavior of polymers using digital image correlation combined with video-monitored testing," International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50, 1869-1878
- Kweon, S. and Benzerga, A. A. (2013) "On the localization of plastic flow in glassy polymers," European Journal of Mechanics, 39, 251-267.
- Kweon, S. and Benzerga, A. A. (2013), "Finite element implementation of a macromolecular viscoplastic polymer model," International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 94, 895-919
- Keralavarma, S. M., Cagin, T., Arsenlis, A., and Benzerga, A. A. (2012), "Power-Law Creep From Discrete Dislocation Dynamics," Physical Review Letters, 109, 265504
- Benzerga, A. A., Surovik, D., and Keralavarma, S. M., (2012), "On the path-dependence of the fracture locus in ductile materials - Analysis," International Journal of Plasticity, 37, 157-170