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Ryan Russell

Dr. Ryan P. Russell is an associate professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics at The University of Texas at Austin, where he holds the George & Dawn L. Coleman Centennial Fellowship in Engineering. From 2004-07, he worked as a member of the Guidance, Navigation, and Control Section at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), where he was a mission designer and navigator for a variety of space flight missions and projects. From 2007-11, he was on the faculty at the Georgia Institute of Technology, creating a research program focused on a variety of theoretical and applied areas in astrodynamics. He has authored over 150 technical publications and has been a recipient of several NASA, JPL, AIAA and AAS awards. He is an Associate Fellow of AIAA, serves on the AIAA Astrodynamics Technical Committee, recently served on the AAS Space Flight Mechanics Committee, and is associate editor for the Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics; Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy; and the Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. He holds a B.S. from Texas A&M University (Class of ’98) and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from The University of Texas at Austin, all in aerospace engineering.