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Julie M. J. Parish

Dr. Julie J. Parish, class of ’05, ’07, ’11, completed her aerospace engineering graduate studies in dynamics, control, and estimation under Dr. John Hurtado.  While at Texas A&M University, she received both NSF and NDSEG graduate research fellowships, was selected for the AIAA Orville and Wilbur Wright Graduate Award, and served as the president of the Student Engineers’ Council.  She is currently a Senior Member of Technical Staff at Sandia National Laboratories, where she is engaged on Department of Defense flight test programs including roles as Boost Guidance Lead  and Attitude Control System Lead for flight vehicle experiments.  Parish has directed several internal research and development projects as Principal Investigator for next-generation hypersonic vehicle guidance and control concepts.  She has served on the AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Technical Committee for six years, most recently as Deputy Technical Discipline Chair for the 2016 AIAA GNC Conference.